Consulting and Promotion
TG Consult is a boutique consulting firm specialized on foreign direct investment, location and trade promotion, as well as international business development.
Our expertise and capabilities include international lead generation, FDI strategy development, business expansion management, marketing and media support. Our partners combine over 20 years of consulting experience across various industries with extensive know-how in international business development. Given our group's history, we are able to draw on considerable project and operational experience - to the benefit of our clients.
We, TG CONSULTANTS with highly qualified and extensive industry experience consultants, support our clients from when they decide to enter the Vietnamese business environment in establishing their business presence in Vietnam and provide them with our services throughout the duration of their investment in Vietnam.
Market research
Upon globalization, marketing research is the importance thing, as the bridge which connects the person and business together. Our company supports the research of reliance.
Business matching
TG GROUP supports inclusively searching the business partner by supporting customer to develop relations, explore new market, and matching of the partner.
You are thinking of the new investment, or the enlargement of the existing project in Vietnam, but you do not understand from where you should start? You cannot make sure that those information about Vietnam which is collected in Japan is precise and up-to-date or not? You are worried about the difference of language and habits of the two countries? TG GROUP has the pleasure of solving all such difficulty and troubles. We do consistently support wide range of services, from company establishment service to the after-company-established services for you. Via such comprehensive and wide range of service, we want to accompany our customers to secure success.
Investment support・Legal consultancy・Accounting, Tax supporting