Contact Us

Contact Us

We will answer questions from companies and organizations that are considering Vietnamese trainees, special labor, technicians, ... Please note that we may not answer questions or advice related to trainees, specific skills,… who are supervised by other companies.

    Company (required)

    Business details (required)

    Postal code (required)

    Address (required)

    Name of Supervisor (required)

    Department /position

    Tel (required)


    Email (required)


    Admission status
    Considering the appoval for new Vietnamese workers.Currently accepting foreign workers.Having accepted foreign workers in the past.
    Country name of workers who are currently accepted or previously

    Message (required)

    Privacy Policy

    Mail address

    Phone number

    (+84) 338 883 503


    No1 E7, Truong Phat, Truong An, An Khanh, Hoai Duc, Ha Noi