Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services visa (Japan)

What is an Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services visa?
Under a law revision in April 2015, “Engineer” and “Specialist in Humanities/International Services” were combined into one status.
Even though they were combined into one status, there were no particular changes to the permission criteria. It is a visa that can be obtained by a foreigner who has graduated from a university or vocational school and has been employed. Clerical jobs for sales and trade, interpretation, translation, designers’ work, work related to computers, such as SE, and engineers’ work for electronics and mechanical systems fall under “Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services.”

Ways to save money while living in Japan

It wasn’t too long ago that Tokyo was considered the most expensive city in the world. Not to mention that Japan as a whole was very expensive as well. Even today, that (mis)conception is still quite prevalent.

The truth is that Japan is probably nowhere as expensive as you may think (or fear). Even living in Tokyo can be manageable, assuming that you get a reasonably priced place to rent. This article hopes to introduce to you some ways of coping and forcing down your costs.
